A quirky philosophical novel about surviving family dysfunction
Precocious 13-year-old Klara Tippins lives in a refurbished convent in upstate New York with
her unwholesome family; a psychopathic brother, a narcissistic mother, and a distant father.
It sounds dire, yes, but this is Klara, a starbeing from a distant planet with friends
in 'high' places. Friends who give her guidance in her sleep. At least that's what she hopes,
for, if she's to be honest, she can't remember much when she wakes up.
As the story moves, Klara encounters three belief systems: Quakerism, which leads her to
people, Q'ero Shamanism, which connects her with nature, and Hinduism, which provides an
understanding of the world and her place in it.
Lighthearted, yet profound, Linn Aspen uses humor and ancient wisdom to show a path to resilience as Klara reaches beyond her circumstances so that, ultimately, she can reach within herself.
"A highly original and often thought-provoking tale. Highly recommended!
"I must say, I very much enjoyed this highly original novel from the pen of Linn Aspen. It's the story of a 13 year old girl who is living in a family with A LOT of problems. But all is not lost; her 'other world' family is there to protect her and to help her to be all she can be.
"From the opening, captivating chapters, I was enchanted by the young Klara, her humour, and her way of looking at life. She's such a wonderful character and getting to know her was, for me, the most enjoyable aspect of the novel. Saying that, the author works hard to develop the secondary characters too - the mother, the father, and the psychopathic brother! In many ways, it is a tender story, focusing on Klara's self-discovery and her hunt for purpose and spirituality.
"Although I did find parts of Klara's story a tad slow going, I'm still very happy to recommend this thought-provoking and often charming novel to anybody interested in spiritual development. In many ways, this novel reminded me of the classic, Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Yes, there's the odd motorcycle in it, but it's much more than that; much bigger. And that's very much the case with this novel. Yes, it's about a girl growing up in a horrid family, but that's only the beginning...
"So, to sum up, GET THIS BOOK NOW! It'll get under your skin and, even better, get you thinking."
— A Wishing Shelf Book Review
Love it!
"Linn Aspen's Starbeing takes us on the human quest of letting go of fears, embracing our true selves and learning to see with our heart"
"Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing: Life with a psychopathic brother by Linn Aspen is an excellent read for anyone who has ever wished to be something or someone other than who they are, or wondered why they exist, what their purpose is, why they are connected to the people that they are connected with, and how to find their way forward.
"Having said, the book is not an entirely easy read. Relying hugely on mysticism and religion, mixed with philosophy and fantasy, the book, should the reader choose to more than skim the book, will take some time and introspection to obtain the same spiritual development that Klara did. Additionally, the reading may be difficult for those who are triggered by topics related to mental illness or child abuse. However, while these topics are depicted in the story, the focus is really on the journey of self healing, inner strength, and found purpose in the midst of adversity. While everyone may get something out of it, this book isn't one that you'll read in a hour or two and walk away from unaffected.
"Without giving away too much, I love so much the dream conversations between Klara and the god-like Ma'iinac, where Klara is given teachings that help her to find meaning in the actions of those around her and to navigate her own reactions to to them. Yet my favorite line is uttered by Pontus who asks, "if I don't understand the most basic thing about my existence, how can I know anything?" Profound because so many, regardless of religious or spiritual belief, have asked themselves this question in one way or another. It is the answer to this question, Pontus's, Klara's and those that we discovers for herself, that I believe sums up the entire point of the book."
— A Reedsy Discovery Book Review by Mandara Giri
"Linn Aspen's The Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing crafts an enthralling narrative that blends whimsical charm with profound introspection, inviting readers on an awe-inspiring journey of self-revelation.
"It follows the journey of 13-year-old Klara Tippins, a precocious starbeing who finds solace from her challenging life through vivid dreams and guidance from her celestial family. Little does she know, they are not merely dreams but a real connection to her home world, some 22,236 miles from Earth. Set in an eccentric upstate New York home, Klara discovers resilience and inner strength as she navigates three mystical belief systems—Quakerism, Q'ero Shamanism, and Hinduism—that help shape her worldview.
"In The Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing, Linn Aspen's evocative prose adds emotional depth to Klara's experiences, delivering a poignant personal growth and healing tale. Though Klara faces struggles with mental illness in her family, the narrative shines with hope as she embarks on a transformative path toward embracing her true self. This isn't a conventional fantasy story—Aspen ingeniously weaves fantastical elements through feelings and metaphor. The result is a refreshingly unique coming-of-age journey that immerses readers in Klara's mind and spirit. Blending rich spirituality and self-discovery, The Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Star stands apart with its creative flair and thoughtful themes. Aspen introduces compelling belief systems that elevate the narrative and provide profound wisdom. This imaginative ode to finding one's inner strength and purpose resonates deeply, remaining with readers long after the final page. For those seeking an emotionally stirring fantasy that defies conventions, Aspen delivers a magical tale of personal revelation."
— 5-Star review,
Readers' Favorite,
Parul Sood
"From planetary beings to dysfunctional family dynamics, Aspen's novel stands out for its unique concept. The integration of metaphysical, spiritual, and philosophical ideas leads to an often enlightening and deeply intriguing reading experience."
— The BookLife Prize Review
"Klara Tippins, a 13-year-old starbeing from a distant planet, struggles to find her place in a dysfunctional family on Earth. Klara lives with a psychopathic brother named Drake, a misguided mother who pampers Drake but is critical of her, and a distant father. Fortunately, supportive adults come into Klara's life and introduce her to new ideas that could help her. This story contains important messages about knowing your own worth, dealing with difficult people, and trying to forgive others while protecting yourself from them. A very interesting read."
— Dr. Linda Costarella - Children's Book Author
"I've been following a lot of other authors on my social media and every once and awhile one will pop up that really sparks my interest. I just finished Linn Aspen's Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing. What a quirky, delightful, brilliant story this was! You can't help but cheer for Klara all the way through. Highly recommend it! Thank you Linn for sharing your talent with the world."
— Wendy S. Burton - author of the upcoming novel "Amy and the Angels"
"Thirteen-year-old Klara is a modern teenager living in a complicated family situation. Her mother is fixated on herself and making sure her son gets everything he wants. Klara's father recognizes some of the imbalances in the family but refuses to make any change. Luckily, Klara has an escape. She looks to her star family for emotional sustenance.
"This is a highly creative and thoughtful work of young adult (YA), visionary fiction. Klara is a star seed from a distant galaxy. In her dreams (or are they dreams?), she has contact with beings of superior wisdom and knowledge. They give her access to understandings she doesn't possess in her everyday reality. Of course, living in the 3D world and reconciling the idea of being a star being is difficult for a teenager. Klara soon attracts help from adults who share ideas from Hinduism, Q'ero Shamanism, and Quakerism. All these traditions offer support for Klara as she negotiates the difficult dynamics of her family and the increasingly dark times with her brother. In this way, the book familiarizes the reader with several esoteric wisdom traditions without preaching but making each of them relevant to the spiritual crisis the character faces.
"I especially enjoyed the parts of the book that dealt with consciousness, reincarnation, the holographic universe, the interconnectedness of all things, and the idea of a feedback loop. Many of these ideas emanate from ancient tradition and yet modern science is starting to recognize them as well. There are discussions of Edgar Mitchell, the Schumann resonances, and the idea of an emerging upgrade in human consciousness. Dreams, alternative realities, parallel realities, vibratory fields, beings existing in other dimensions. There are many discussion points opened by the book for seekers to explore.
"Ultimately, Klara comes to grips with self-acceptance for where she is in her journey and what forgiveness looks like in the moment. A wonderful book to open hearts and minds reminding us of what our time on earth is all about."
— Ellis Nelson - author of "Into the Land of Snows" —

Weekly Tidings to inspire your day, posted through this link
every Sunday.
For updates on new Inspirational Tidings, follow me on my Facebook Author Page.

Klara made it to the Finals of the Chanticleer Somerset Awards! I feel deeply honored.
These were the criteria:
"captivating storytelling, intriguing characters, and fascinating plotting along with adhering to the tenets of Literary and Contemporary fiction."
Do check out the other finalists and their wonderful books:
Chanticleer Somerset Awards

Available on
Rakuten kobo
Barnes and Noble
Apple Books
Angus & Robertson
Gardners Books
While in Chicago I was interviewed for a 15-minute podcast with Burke Allen to talk about my book, The Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing.
Check it out!
When Klara won her second award I had the honor to attend the American Library Association's National Conference in Chicago with Headline Books.
It was wonderful hanging out with other authors.
She is now in the Galaxy Bookshop, a lovely welcoming store in the beautiful town of Hardwick, Vermont.
Thank you Andrea and Sandy for taking her in.
For those who love libraries, The Dreamtidings of a Disgruntled Starbeing is now ...
... in Illinois at the Chicago Public Library.

... in Vermont at the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum.

... in Connecticut at the Levi E. Coe Library

and the Wallingford Public Library.

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